We welcome you to the ultimate summer internship and job experience! Camp Lokanda is excited to offer this immersive Education & Youth Development Internship as part of our Summer Camp Counselor position. This role is perfect for someone looking to gain more experience working with kids. Join our camp family for an unforgettable summer that will help you build essential life skills.
- Gain experience working with children.
- Understand the responsibility and importance of being a positive role model.
- Experience the impact camp has on youth development.
- Strengthen teamwork and communication skills as a member of our large international staff.
- Get connected with professionals in the field through our global network.
Overview: The camp counselor position is a valuable experience as you embark on your teaching career. Camp affords you the opportunity to join a large community of 400 campers ages 7-17 and 200 plus staff members from around the world. Camp is a fast-paced, highly intense, hands-on experience that builds your teamwork and leadership skills. You will have a direct impact on your camper’s lives forever. As part of the internship experience you will get to know our team of educators and child development experts. Based upon your concentration in school we can focus this internship on a particular age/development stage. We work with you and your advisor to get you the most out of this experience.
Daily Responsibilities: Working at camp is not your typical job/internship. You are living and working at the same place in a community lifestyle for 8 weeks. Your primary role will be working with the campers as a counselor, living in a bunk with campers and other co-counselors. A counselor is always directly responsible for the safety of the campers they are supervising. You report directly to the Campus Leaders and together supervise the campers’ daily schedule and general life at camp. Depending on your skills and background, we may assign you to lead or assist with one of our sports or activities. Let us know if there are any areas you can contribute to! Check out our website and other listings to see all that we offer. We are always looking for great coaches and instructors in all land and water sports, arts, and STEM. A typical day at Camp Lokanda is all fun, games and non-stop action. There are many special events and engaging evening activities. You can read more about camp life in our company profile page. Further expectations will be discussed during the interview and are reviewed in the Staff Handbook and during onesite Staff Training prior to the start of Camp.
Check out the rest of our Handshake Profile for more details and requirements for this position.
Interested? Complete our application and we will then set up a Zoom Interview.