Internships for Academic Credit
Cal State East Bay encourages all students to have at least one internship before graduation. Internships may be paid or unpaid, and can be taken for academic credit or not. Internships are a form of experiential learning where students are on assignment with an organization for a limited period of time to gain real-world work experience that is either directly related to their major field of study or to their career interest. Internships can occur during the summer or academic year.
Having an internship is like creating a road map for career success. Studies show that 7 out of 10 internships may turn into full-time jobs. We encourage all undergraduate and graduate students to complete at least 1 internship experience prior to graduation.
The student registration timeline can take several weeks to complete due to the required online forms and internship site registration process. We HIGHLY encourage students to begin their internship registration process the semester prior to enrollment if possible. Follow the Academic Student Guide process to secure your internship for academic credit. Please view the Important Dates page for information on the start and end date for every semester.
There are a variety of resources on this page to help you start your internship search!
Steps to Secure an Internship for Academic Credit:
All departments offer courses that enable students to obtain academic credit for their internships. Courses are typically taken concurrently with the internship and supplement the experience with reflection and a substantial research project as course requirements. Depending on the department, it may be mandatory for your internship to be directly related to your major. Be aware that course offerings change from term to term and policies differ greatly from one department to the next.
Make sure you are eligible to enroll in the internship class (i.e. MGMT 498, CMGT 698, etc.) by checking the course prerequisites and enrollment criteria. Contact the class instructor and/or your major advisor to confirm the process of class enrollment. NOTE: Class enrollment is not granted until you get to Step 4 – Internship Placement.
There are many ways to find an internship! These include searching job aggregators (Handshake, LinkedIn, etc.) and company websites, using personal contacts, and attending career events. Please review all the available resources in our Career Resources!
Best Practices:
- Start your internship search early and be consistent. Some opportunities are posted a year in advance!
- Ensure your profile on job aggregators is complete
- Check CalStateS4 for current/past internship opportunities
- Research company websites for opportunities. Note application deadlines.
- Attend an event/workshop offered by the Career Empowerment Center
Once you have identified an internship opportunity, you need to get the internship approved. Cal State East Bay uses CalStateS4 to approve internship sites and track students seeking an internship for academic credit. Check the CalStateS4 “Sites” page for your potential internship site. If your internship site is already listed on the CalStateS4 “Sites” page, they have already received approval to offer internships to Cal State East Bay students.
If the employer is not listed, please complete the Student Internship Site Request form: csueastbay/student-internship- site-request
This form allows CalStateS4 to send a request to your internship site and instructor teaching your internship course. After completing the form, your employer contact will receive an instructional email requesting that they register through the CalStateS4 system to become an approved site. This is done by the employer completing the Request to Initiate Partnership (RTIP). In most instances, processing takes 3 – 5 business days after receipt of the RTIP submitted by the employer.
Once the internship site has been approved or if the site is already listed in CalStateS4, check the CalStateS4 “Opportunities” page for your internship opportunity. If your site was previously approved and the opportunity is not listed, please see the instructions for approved sites needing to add a new opportunity or site contact here.
If this is a site that has recently completed the RTIP, most opportunities are posted within 5 business days, but if the opportunity is not listed after 5 business days, send an email to to check on the status. Include the company name in the email communication for faster processing.
Once your internship site has been approved in CalStateS4 and the opportunity has posted, you are ready to complete the Internship Intake Process:
- Go to and log in
- Click the Internship button at the bottom of the page to request for enrollment in an internship course for academic credit. Complete the short form and click submit (this step only needs to be completed once).
- On your Home screen, click Place and follow the on screen instructions. When selecting the opportunity, ensure you click Search by opportunities.
- Once all forms have been completed, click Finish Placement
You will receive an email confirmation once your intake request has been processed.
NOTE: You will need to upload an offer letter with the following information: on company letterhead, start and end date of the opportunity, employer contact information, job description, paid or unpaid, # of hours/week, etc. If your offer letter was sent via email you can print/save it as a PDF.
INTL students are required to have the offer letter approved. Please send to and include your major in the email communication.
The faculty teaching the internship course for academic credit will review your request for enrollment and will approve or deny the request. If you do not receive an email confirmation within a week of completing your placement, please reach out to the faculty teaching the course. Once your intake request is successful, your final step is to complete placement. All questions regarding the internship course should be directed to your major department.
- Go to and log in
- Click View My Placements
- Select your internship placement (eg. Placement #140000)
- Click the green Assign Course button
- Under Course , select the internship course
- Click Save Changes
After assigning the course, you have successfully completed all the registration and placement steps for your internship.
NOTE: You have to be enrolled in the course for at least 24 hours before attempting to complete this step.
INTL students: The Center for International Education (CIE) will receive an email notification once you complete this step. You can schedule to meet with CIE regarding your CPT at this time.
All students are required to complete the forms below in CalStateS4 during/after the internship. The forms expire at the end of the semester.
- Time Log
- Student Evaluation of Academic Experience Form
- Site Supervisor Evaluation Request
Faculty/Staff – Please review this guide for more information on the CalStateS4 system and an overview of the internship for academic credit process for Cal State East Bay students.
Employers/Internship Sites – Please review this guide for an overview of the internship for academic credit process for Cal State East Bay students.

Frequently Asked Questions
- Obtain a new offer letter or ask the internship site to send an email to and include pertinent information about the opportunity: internship dates, compensation information and hours/week, job description/title and point of contact for the company. Please review the Important Dates page to ensure your internship opportunity does not start before the term date and does not extend past the last day of finals for the term.
- If the internship opportunity is not already listed in CalStateS4, the internship site will need to add a new opportunity in CalStateS4. Instructions can be found here. Processing time is 2 – 3 business days.
- Once approved, complete the Internship Course Intake Forms in CalStateS4 (step 4 in the Internships for Academic Credit process).
- Questions? Send an email to
NOTE: Please consult with your major advisor for internship approval and course enrollment.
Summer internship opportunities are viewable to students in CalStateS4 at the time of summer class enrollment. You will be unable to view the opportunity prior to this date. If you are unsure if your opportunity was submitted, check with your internship site before emailing the Internships Office.
The average processing time for the Request to Initiate Partnership (RTIP) is 3 – 5 business days. Some sites can be processes sooner or later depending on the site verification process. Check with your internship site for verification of the date the RTIP was submitted. If the opportunity is not posted in CalStateS4 after 5 business days, please send an email to to inquire on the status. Due to staffing shortages, our office is unable to respond to individual inquiries sent prior to the 5 business days processing timeline.
Information on adding a new point of contact for your internship site can be found here, under Adding New Contacts. Send this information to your internship site if the site contact needs to be updated.
If you need to find the site contact for your internship site, follow the steps below:
- Login CalStateS4
- Select SITES
- Enter the Site Name, and select Apply Filter
- Select the site. If the site is not listed, please check the spelling.
- The Site Contact information will be listed
During the Fall and Spring semester, Cal State East Bay students are allowed to work up to 20 hours/week. In the Summer, students can work 40 hours/week. If the internship site offers overtime (more than 40 hours/week) over the summer, the student can elect to work more than 40 hours. The internship site is required to follow California Labor Laws (benefits, pay, breaks, etc.) if offering overtime to interns.
No. Please double check your responses prior to submitting. Common errors include: total hours reported and internship class selection. If you notice an error after submission, please send an email to for assistance.
Please consult with your supervisor and explain the concerns. If unresolved, please send an email to outlining the issue.
California State University East Bay (CSUEB) is committed to building partnerships with employers that choose to host an internship experience at their job site with the intention of connecting academic content to career experience, and learning specific career skill sets needed for their profession. All sites wanting to partner with CSUEB must abide by the U.S. Department of Labor’s description of Internship Programs Under The Fair Labor Standards Act.
At CSUEB, we are required to collect information about the positions employers wish to offer our students for academic credit. We use the CalStateS4 system to collect this information. In conjunction with Handshake, we provide a streamlined workflow that allows you to offer our students both pre-approved credit-bearing internships or report internship information necessary for us to award credit after you have selected a student to fill your internship position.
CPT/OPT is processed through the Center for International Education (CIE). For more information, send an email to For off campus positions, you are required to complete paperwork with CIE prior to starting the position.
NOTE: Internship dates must align with federal guidelines. Please review more information about applicable dates at the Center for International Education website.
Send an email to Include the correct hours and placement number in your email communication.
- Completed on company letterhead
- Dates of employment (Start date cannot be before the start of the term and the end date cannot be after the last day of finals for the term)
- Compensation details
- Job title and description of duties
- Supervisor contact information
- Location of internship
- Internship type – remote, in-person, hybrid
- Number of hours expected to work/week
Previously approved employers can submit additional academic internship opportunities now, or in the future. The site contact can submit additional opportunities using the login information sent vial email. To add a new opportunity, please follow the steps below:
- Navigate to CalStateS4
- Click “Community Partner Login”
- Log in using your email address and password
- On the dashboard, under “Your affiliated sites”, click Edit Site Information
- At the top of the page, click the Opportunities tab
- Create an opportunity
- If you would like to enter a new position
- In the top right corner, click the green “Add New Opportunity” Button
- Complete the New Opportunity form and submit
- If you would like to re-approve an previous opportunity (use it as a template)
- Click Copy next to the opportunity you wish to copy
- Modify the submission entries as needed and submit
- If you would like to enter a new position
Please allow three to five business days for your opportunity to be reviewed. A member of the academic internship team will reach out to you if any clarification is required. Once approved, students will be eligible to receive credit for this opportunity.
NOTE: During the Fall and Spring semesters, students can work up to 20 hours/week at an internship site. During the Summer, students can work up to 40 hours/week, with the possibility of receiving overtime.